I came across something online that said not to use “ultrasonic cleaning devices” on dental bonding. Can ultrasonic toothbrushes damage the bond somehow? I need to know because I always use an ultransonic toothbrush and don’t want to compromise my restoration.
– Becky in Wisconsin
Thank you for your question. The “ultransonic cleaning devices” is not referring to ultransonic toothbrushes. Toothbrushes are safe to use restorations like dental bonding and porcelain veneers. So there is no harm in continuing to use them.
The ultrasonic scaler is a professional piece of equipment used by dental hygienists at the dentist’s office. If it is not used properly, the ultrasonic scaler may damage the restoration. For example, the tip on these devices vibrates at ultrasonic speeds and can inadvertently scratch the surface of dental bonding and veneers. This may end up harming the glaze that seals the restoration. When there are scratches on the surface, the restoration may pick up stains over time.
In regard to electric toothbrushes, including ultrasonic toothbrushes, the bristles are soft and will not damage the glaze on the composite. They will clean and polish which will help keep the restoration looking great. Also, toothbrushes vibrate at lower speeds and are therefore considered “sonic” versus “ultrasonic” so they tend to be more gentle.