What’s cheaper Lumineers or Durathin veneers?

 / What’s cheaper Lumineers or Durathin veneers?

What’s cheaper Lumineers or Durathin veneers?

I want to get a smile makeover and have been comparing DURAthinveneers to Lumineers. Which one is cheaper? I think I am gravitating toward the photographs I’ve seen of Durathin. But I’m keeping my options open.

-Amanda in New Jersey


The first question that needs to be asked is, have you consulted with a cosmetic dentist yet? Or have you been searching online looking at pictures? In the day and age we live in, it’s true that we cost compare almost everything, from a new appliance to new shoes. But there is a shift that you need to make when considering porcelain veneers. This isn’t some product that you can return when it doesn’t fit right. The difference in the price of the porcelain between these two brands is approximately one percent. It really doesn’t matter the brand. The cost of porcelain veneers comes from selecting the right dentist. Any dentist can place Lumineers or Durathin veneers. But when it comes to a smile makeover, you’re talking about the first thing people see when you smile, how you feel at a job interview, and how others see you. You need to make sure you find an excellent cosmetic dentist that can make the right recommendations for your specific concerns and not just the cheapest option around.

Most expert cosmetic dentists won’t even place Lumineers. There are trademark restrictions on this brand of porcelain veneers that they must be manufactured in the Lumineers laboratory. Therefore, there isn’t much that the cosmetic dentist can do to tailor them to match your complexion, facial shape, and personality. Many patients end up feeling like Lumineers look bulky and others say the look fake and just aren’t happy in the long run. Therefore, if you are looking for an ultra-thin brand of veneers, DURAthin will likely win out.

But if you say that you are keeping your options open, then that is the best attitude. Meet with a cosmetic dentist, one that is truly artistic. It will be worth every penny you spend on yourself. Only 1-2% of dentists truly have the right background and training to create beautiful smiles. So do your research more on the dentist you select versus the brand that is cheaper.


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