Total Tooth Restoration

Cosmetic dentistry is really coming into its own. Trend-watchers say that more and more people are choosing it every day to restore their teeth and improve their smiles, with the procedures available at ColemanDental in Houston TX. We all want to look our best. But cosmetic dentistry isn’t just about looking good; it is good […]

Are All Carbs Created Equal?

Most people know that the sugar in candy, cookies, juices and sodas can harm your teeth, but some people don’t realize that all carbohydrates can cause cavities. As we will describe in this post from ColemanDental in Houston TX, a handful of pretzels or a piece of pumpernickel bread can have the same effect on […]

2023 Is The Year To Replace Missing Teeth

If you or someone you care about lost a tooth this year, but haven’t yet dealt with the issue, ColemanDental in Houston TX suggests a consultation with our dental implant team immediately. Why the rush? Though your missing tooth might not be an aesthetic issue now – maybe it’s far enough back that the gap […]

What’s On Your Dental Wish List?

Are you happy with the appearance of your smile? If you aren’t, then cosmetic dentistry from ColemanDental in Houston TX may be for you. Cosmetic dentistry is a type of dental care that is all about improving the appearance of your mouth, teeth, and smile. It includes a range of procedures. Some of the most […]

Dental Implant Success: The Odds Are In Your Favor

People thinking about replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant from ColemanDental in Houston TX usually want to know about implant success rate. It’s a good question. In case you are unfamiliar with dental implants, we’ll describe them. What is a Dental Implant? A dental implant is a metal post that acts as a […]

When it Comes to Your Smile, Don’t Settle For Less

No one likes to settle for less than the best, especially with something as important as your smile. At ColemanDental in Houston TX, we have cosmetic dentistry solutions that improve any smile. As the years go by, teeth naturally lose their youthful luster. They are also subjected to any number of unforseen difficulties, like chips, […]

Time To Upgrade Your Smile?

Have you thought about upgrading your smile? Cosmetic dentistry from ColemanDental in Houston TX offers many possibilities! Teeth whitening is the quickest and least invasive procedure. The results are better than you might expect. Professional teeth whitening far surpasses any commercial product you’ll find at the store. Porcelain veneers are an excellent remedy for unsightly […]

Bright, Healthy Smiles

Bright and healthy smiles are more attractive than dull and yellow ones: you won’t get much disagreement there. Everybody likes to see a pleasing smile, and having beautiful teeth is also healthy for your self esteem. At ColemanDental in Houston TX, we create bright and healthy smiles every day with cosmetic dentistry. We use cosmetic […]

Reinvent Yourself With Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry from ColemanDental in Houston TX brings with it many benefits: from a sleeker, cleaner appearance and a boost in self-confidence, to improved dental health. There are a lot of different procedures to choose from. While the most obvious benefit of cosmetic dentistry is a beautiful new smile, we never overlook the dental health […]

How Your Lifestyle Affects Your Tooth Color

Most people want to have white teeth and a great smile. But the majority of people have discolored or just plain yellow teeth, especially in a world of tea and coffee drinkers. At ColemanDental in Houston TX, we can fix that. Did you know that tooth enamel is like skin? It has pores that can […]

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