Trouble Getting Numb For Dental Treatment?
Our bodies work differently. Some dental patients don’t respond to local anesthetics by getting numb. This is understandably concerning when you need dental treatment. (And the word “concerning” may be a huge understatement!) It’s important to recognize that bad experiences in the past don’t guarantee that you will never be able to become numb. At […]
Bad Breath Is No Fun
Imagine you are starting a new job and are going to meet with your new boss for the first time. Confidence is key to your success. As you reach out to shake the extended hand your broad confident smile exposes rows of pearly white teeth, yet when you open your mouth to exchange greetings you […]
You, Only Better in Houston
If you’re looking for the brightest, whitest smile possible but insist that you want it to look natural, Doctor Scott Coleman can sit down with you and show you how to achieve it. Here at ColemanDental, we use cutting-edge methods to create the ultimate smile for each individual. You Can Have a Celebrity-Caliber Smile Many […]
Coleman Dental Works To Earn Your Trust in Houston
Hello! I’m Dr. Scott Coleman, dentistry, at ColemanDental in Houston. I have been practicing general and cosmetic dentistry for many years. Dentistry is a challenging and fascinating profession; dentists must have diagnostic skills, dexterity, extensive scientific knowledge, and good visual memory. Dentistry also requires artistic ability. In addition to dentistry’s technical aspects, I enjoy interacting […]
Signs Of Oral Cancer: What Not To Ignore in Houston
Today’s post from Coleman Dentalfocuses on a very serious subject—oral (oropharyngeal) cancers. The medical community identifies oral cancers as a subset of head and neck cancers. Oral cancers can arise in the following locations: The tongue The roof of the mouth and under the tongue The inside of the cheeks The oropharynx (the part behind […]
Attack Of The Gummi Bear
Here at the Coleman Dental blog, we never like to be the bearers of bad news, but we are enthusiastic about our patient’s oral health. So, today we offer an important warning about a lesser-known danger of sticky candy. Most people probably know that sugar is not your teeth friend. Eating candy creates the perfect […]
Do You Eat A Tooth-Healthy Diet in Houston?
Maintaining healthy teeth is an important concern for our local Houston dental patients. As your doctor, I’m committed to helping you care for your teeth and keep them healthy. Everyone knows that maintaining healthy teeth requires thorough daily brushing and flossing. Regular visits to your local Austin dental practice is also necessary for preventing cavities […]
Want A Reason To Smile All The Time?
If you are not happy with your smile, we invite you to think about a complete smile transformation from Coleman Dental. 1. Look and feel younger. 2. Improve your oral health. 3. Increase your confidence. 4. Smile all the time! Hello, I am Doctor Coleman. Welcome to my dental blog. I serve my patients at […]
Why You Shouldn’t Dread Going To The Dentist in Houston
If you are afraid of the dentist and have not had a check-up in years, today’s post from Coleman Dental is for you. Good news! Dentistry in the Houston area is nothing like it was when you were a kid. (Even if you’re still a kid, we invite you to keep reading.) There Is No […]
What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
Evolution isn’t always tidy and linear. For example, we have smaller jaws than our ancestors thousands of years ago, but most of our bodies haven’t adapted by generating fewer teeth. Two-thirds of us create the same amount of teeth as early humans. These late-developing extra molars are called wisdom teeth and they pose unique oral […]