What’s cheaper Lumineers or Durathin veneers?

I want to get a smile makeover and have been comparing DURAthinveneers to Lumineers. Which one is cheaper? I think I am gravitating toward the photographs I’ve seen of Durathin. But I’m keeping my options open. -Amanda in New Jersey Amanda, The first question that needs to be asked is, have you consulted with a […]
Why on earth did the dentist put stain on my Lumineers?

I had four Lumineers on my teeth from a long time ago that looked ugly, so I’ve been planning to have them redone for awhile now. Well, I just had 10 new Lumineers done and I hated the color. The dentist used a stain to make them look “natural.” I thought I had thoroughly explained […]
Can I Request a Refund for Discolored and Broken Lumineers?

All I wanted to do was close a gap between my two front teeth and correct a chip on one from when I was a kid. My dentist told me that Lumineers was the way to go and he promised me a beautiful smile. But he wanted to do all six of my top front […]
Are my knock-off, generic Lumineers the cause of my terrible breath?

I have been really working on getting in shape and taking care of myself. When I reached my weight loss goal last year, I thought it would be fun to reward my hard work with a new smile. I asked my dentist about Lumineers and he first recommended we take care of some periodontal disease. […]
Is there Hope for My Lumineers Nightmare?

I literally spent thousands of dollars to have Lumineers done across my four front teeth. They didn’t feel right from the moment my dentist put them on, but they told me I would adjust. Sadly, I have not been given the opportunity, because the darn things keep falling off. Seriously, not two days later after […]
Lumineers keep falling off!

I was so excited to finally get my new Lumineers! I ended up getting five put on my teeth which I was excited about at first. But, I’m about at my wits end because they keep falling off. I keep having to go back to the dentist to have them bonded again. It is getting […]
Is it possible to lighten Lumineers?

I had to save up quite a bit to cover the cost of the Lumineers I had done a couple years ago. My dentist kept referring to them as dental bonding or no-prep veneers. He did it all in on appointment. I am sadly disappointed, as they are starting to discolor already, after how much […]
I want a Hollywood smile with Lumineers. Not generic knock-off veneers!

I have decided to go with Lumineers because from everything I have seen they are the best option to give me a glamorous Hollywood smile. My dentist is telling me he doesn’t offer Lumineers, but he can give me a beautiful smile makeover with other brands. But I really want the brand name Lumineers, not […]
How do I close my big gap in my teeth? Anything other than Lumineers?

Please tell me I have other options beyond Lumineers and Snap-On smile? I have a pretty big gap in between my two front teeth. I was planning to get Snap-On smile because that’s what my family dentist recommended. I did the x-rays and all the preparation steps and all the info was sent to the […]
Is it possible to get Lumineers if I grind my teeth?

I have been unhappy with the way my teeth look for over a decade. I just haven’t been in position financially to make the investment in improving them. But I’m starting to think it is time to explore my options. My friend has recommended Lumineers and I think I would like to try them. But […]