Looking for Zoom to complete my personal makeover.

 / Looking for Zoom to complete my personal makeover.

Looking for Zoom to complete my personal makeover.

I’m kind of obsessed with makeover reality shows. That said, they did the trick to motivate me. I’m proudly down over 95 pounds and I feel like I deserve Zoom whitening like they show on those shows. I told myself if I met my goal, I could makeover my smile too. When I talked to my dentist, he doesn’t do Zoom. He uses something called Kor whitening. I am kind of disappointed because I’ve been fixated on Zoom whitening since I started my weight loss journey. Is it possible to purchase Zoom personally so I could do it myself? I want the real thing!

– Jo Ann in Missouri

Jo Ann,

That is excellent news about your fantastic weight loss journey. Congratulations!

It sounds like your dentist prefers the Kor whitening system over Zoom whitening. Different dentists have different preferences and typically they will offer one or the other. They are both about the same price, so it’s likely his personal preference. Kor proponents like that the ingredients are kept in their own refrigerator until they are used. It is a very strong whitening system and delivers impressive results.

Zoom also delivers incredible results. Unfortunately, it would not be a good idea to purchase Zoom on your own. You wouldn’t want to try to tackle this kind of cosmetic dentistry procedure on your own. It needs to be professionally applied and monitored by a dentist. There are some malls that have whitening kiosks, but there really is no way to ensure the product is the name brand nor the individuals applying it are trained to do so. The whitening agents in Zoom are very powerful and can cause damage to the surrounding gums and teeth if it is not done correctly.

So it sounds like you have a couple options to complete your transformation. You could search for another dentist that offers Zoom, if that brand name is particularly important. Or you could go with your current dentist and give Kor a try. You will see fabulous results with either teeth whitening system. Just don’t try to cut corners and try something like this at home. You deserve the real thing!


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